The origins of the Aizpute factory date back to 1890, when Gertrude Lindberg established a carton factory in Aizpute. The factory produced cartons and labels for pharmacies. The products are supplied to pharmacies and pharmaceutical factories in tsarist Russia.
In 1934, the factory already had 19 industrial premises, and cartonboard products were exported to Lithuania. In 1938, Kredītbanka became the owner of the factory and the factory was renamed "Aizpute Carton Factory of Latvijas Kredītbanka".
During World War II, the factory premises were used for repairing German war equipment and weapons. After the war, the Aizpute District Industrial Factory is established. Products - agricultural equipment: carts, wheels, barrels. Several mills, sawmills and brickyards were subordinated to the industrial combine. There were also weaving, cloth dyeing and woollen yarn processing workshops. Later, a furniture workshop was opened.
The Aizpute key and building hardware factory was renamed the Kurzeme metal hardware factory, or MFR Kurzeme. Work is carried out in 3 shifts.
MFR Kurzeme is transformed into the joint stock company Kurzemes atslēga 1 and began to produce various types of non-standard metal products and continues to do so successfully today.